The garden before you was originally conceived in 2015 as an activity to unite our Faith Formation students with the direction of Deacon Bill Kyte. But when the Mary of Light Shrine was gifted to our Parish, it evolved into an expression of God's gift of Mary to the whole human race. We recognize God speaks to us in many ways: there's the natural beauty of creation where our hearts resonate with the artistic placement of stones and bricks, blooming plants and flowing water. But with the Blessed Virigin, God speaks to us of His supernatural beauty relflected in the sinless Mother of God who truly embodies the best qualities of the human race. Also present is the Holy Family, a silent reminder of the importance of family as the bedrock of a stable and loving society. We encourage you to pray here, to meditate on God's love for us all, and to ask for Mary to intercede for us so that we may perservere through this vale of tears to be united with her Son for eternity. Lights have been installed so that the beauty of this statue can be seen at night. In the Spring and early summer of 2021, the garden has a table and seating added for you to enjoy your time here.